Duty of Care: How a Travel Management Agency Protects Your Employees

Ensuring the safety and well-being of employees during a business trip is non-negotiable. And, with this duty of care extending beyond booking flights and accommodations, it’s important to find a comprehensive approach that encompasses all areas of travel risk management. 

This is where a business travel management company (TMC) can help.

Let’s explore the ways in which a TMC can safeguard your employees, offering peace of mind and enhancing productivity.

The importance of following ISO standards when meeting duty of care needs

Firstly, when planning any business trip, you must adhere to the ISO 31030 Travel Risk Management Standard, which is vital for organisations to effectively manage the risks associated with business travel. 

This standard, which complements the ISO 31000 Risk Management framework, offers comprehensive guidance on identifying, assessing, and mitigating travel risks. By implementing these international best practices, organisations not only fulfil their duty of care but also enhance the safety of their personnel, safeguard their professional reputation, and improve overall operational performance. 

Following ISO standards ensures that travel risk management is robust, proactive, and aligned with global expectations. With that in mind, here are some extra things to consider:

Pre-trip preparations

When it comes to business travel, preparation is the starting point of safety. A business travel management agency plans every aspect of your journey, from selecting secure accommodations to arranging safe transportation. 

By utilising their extensive network and expertise, TMCs can identify and mitigate potential risks before the trip even begins. This ensures that your employees are well informed about their destinations – providing essential information on local safety conditions, cultural norms, and potential health hazards.

24/7 crisis management

In the event of a crisis, the ability to respond promptly and effectively can make all the difference. Business travel management companies are equipped with robust crisis management protocols, designed to handle a wide array of emergencies. 

They maintain constant communication with employees, providing guidance and support. Whether it’s a flight cancellation, a lost passport, or a medical emergency, TMCs offer 24/7 assistance, alleviating stress and allowing employees to focus on their next steps.

Comprehensive insurance coverage

An integral part of travel risk management is ensuring that employees are properly insured. Business travel management companies collaborate with leading insurance providers to offer comprehensive coverage tailored to the specific needs of business travellers. 

This includes medical insurance, trip cancellation coverage, and protection against loss or theft of personal belongings. By securing appropriate insurance, TMAs help mitigate financial risks and provide a safety net for employees in adverse situations.

Legal compliance

Navigating the complex web of international travel regulations and compliance requirements can be daunting. A business travel management agency ensures that all travel arrangements adhere to relevant laws and regulations, minimising the risk of legal issues. 

They assist with visa procurement, customs requirements, and adherence to international travel advisories. This meticulous attention to legal compliance not only protects employees but also safeguards the organisation from potential liabilities.

Protect your employees with a business travel management company

In an increasingly globalised business environment, ensuring the safety and well-being of travelling employees is a critical responsibility. A business travel management agency serves as an invaluable partner in this way, offering a comprehensive suite of services designed to protect and support your workforce. 

From meticulous pre-trip preparations to real-time monitoring and crisis management, TMCs provide the expertise and resources necessary to navigate the complexities of business travel.

If you want to learn more about how business travel management companies help keep your employees safe, contact our team today.