Stay compliant with a dedicated Brexit assessment tool

As a result of Brexit, organisations are finding it more difficult to ensure that their business travel stays compliant.

That’s where ACE Travel Management ATG UK comes in, our CIBT Post-Brexit Travel Assessment tool is a thorough and cost-effective approach for businesses to verify EU visa compliance for business travel.

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Leave EU visa compliance to the experts

Brexit has forced UK citizens to reconsider how they travel around the continent and how this affects their plans and this is complicated further by the fact that each EU member state has its own set of rules and parameters governing what can be done visa-free and what requires a work permit.

Don’t worry; ACE Travel Management ATG UK has access to the CIBT Post-Brexit Travel Assessment, a comprehensive and cost-effective tool for organisations worried about compliant business travel between the United Kingdom and Europe.

  • An easy-to-use web-based solution
  • Available 365 days a year, 24 hours a day.
  • Offered in English and most major European languages
  • Quick and easy one-off payments

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